The college of philosophy, the love of wisdom, and by necessity its antithesis, "baloney", and all the "social" sciences, such as anthropology, economics, political science etc. This video is 8 minutes long. The complete course is available free as a public service from University of Washignton ischool HERE The speakers, like Husserl, like Thoreau, use hard science to branch into teh phenomenology of bullshit, and we know that Stein leveraged Husserl into the Catholic church, to Ratzinger, Wojytla and all of the Varcare la Soglia della Speranza philosophy. So perhaps hope is not bullshit...perhaps education is not "vanity and a chasing after the wind."
This is Bologna college, where the essence of existence, energy and eternity is examined. JAJAJJAJ ok calm down. E, is the most popular letter though isnt it? Existence is anhallucination...or a participation? Let's find out here. Introductory Course: on bullshit, by harry frankfurt.TEXT OF BULLSHIT THEORY The langauge used by Frankfurt is a little "tendentious" because it has to be, its a branch of philosophy known as "analytical" philosophy. You ultimately have to read Augustne and Wittgenstein inter alia but take it slow, just read Frankfurt for now.